Preventive health care is an integral part of overall well-being and health. You can maintain your health by preventing certain diseases and illnesses. This will also help you avoid side effects.

Stay current with all health screenings to ensure you’re on top of preventive care. Understanding health screenings and their importance at all life stages will help you take better care.

What is a health screening

Medical tests are used to detect diseases even before symptoms appear. Some screenings can be performed in your doctor’s office, while others are done in clinics or hospitals with specialized equipment. Some of the most common health screenings are those that check for:

cancer (breast and cervical in women; prostate in men; colorectal, skin, and colorectal in both men and women).


High Cholesterol

High Blood Pressure



Healthcare providers develop health screenings when they determine that the condition being screened is common enough to warrant routine checks. These conditions can significantly impact a person’s quality of life and life expectancy.

Providers also perform screenings for conditions with treatment options. These include those which can be treated most effectively with a timely diagnosis. A health screening must also be easy to do and affordable for the average patient.

Regular screening is essential

Health screenings are designed to detect diseases and illnesses early. The progression of infection may have already begun by the time symptoms appear, making it more challenging to treat. Regular health screenings will allow you to feel confident in your health and continue participating in your favorite hobbies.

You may undergo certain screenings regularly if you see your doctor frequently. Your doctor will use the scale to check if you’re at a healthy body weight. A doctor’s appointment is a health check because your weight can be a factor in other health conditions. A routine health checkup is having your blood pressure measured. It allows your doctor to make sure you’re not exhibiting signs of high blood pressure, which can increase your Breast Cancer Screening can be recommended at 40 years old unless there are other risk factors such as a family history or breast cancer. Cervical Cancer Screening is recommended every three years starting at age 25. Cholesterol Screening should be done annually in most cases. Diabetes screening begins at 20 years old. Your doctor may order an earlier fasting blood glucose test if you have a family history of diabetes or other risk factors.

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