Rapid weight loss is it really possible, most advertisers clam that there product would make you loose up to 10 Pounds in 10 Days. I don’t believe taking such fat burning medications can help you to rapidly loss weight.

Americans spend $33 billion every year on weight loss products

It’s a shocking fact that even though you spend thousands of bucks a year on weight loss products, yet about 75% of the people still remain same or even get fatter. Let me introduce you to different weight loss products marketing strategies.

Starvation Diets

There has been several variations of them since 1950 and they promise to detoxification your blood and remove fatty acids through colonics or enemas, and you can take them along with water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper.

Supplements and pills

These supplements and pills gives a false guarantee that taking them would prevent the body from absorbing fats and helps in burning down the existing fat from our body through increasing our body’s metabolism and Suppressing your appetite.

Low calorie diets

Nutritionists advise us to take low calorie diets and foods with lots of fiber content to increase our digestion and metabolism.

Crash Dieting

Crash Dieting is to intake low nutritional diets(foods with less carbohydrates) except water for more than 12 waking hours. Your body will burn body protein and fat to create energy to make you survive. In this way you would be able to lose a lot of weight in short amount of time. Medical doctors do not recommend this as it is to make your body starve and even if you lose a lot of weight you could quickly regain the double of the weight you have lost through crash dieting as it’s a peculiarity of our body to store fat and protein for future use.Once your body has gone through a starving state and your body want to defend itself the next time against that starvation so it stores the protein and fats in your body for future use.

Exercise Machines

“If you want to get rid of fat the best way is to burn up your fat is taking regular exercise and we have the state of the art exercise machines to get you those 8 pack abs within 14 days, for just $ 999” -A TELE MARKETING QUOTE. Most exercise machines are for professionals and we would stop using them after a week or so. The only thing that motivates is a burning desire to get slim.


Many Doctors consider Bariatric surgery as a last resort in treating severe obesity, the surgery is expensive and normally they won’t recommend to you. Bariatric surgery is only recommended in life threatening situations.

Risks associated with rapid weight loss

Burning calories and fats by taking in supplements creates a lot of side effects the minor ones range from frequent headaches during work hours, you may feel dizzy and tired and would have serious troubles with digestion. Many women have reported menstrual irregularities which have to be taken seriously as it affects ones sex life. The major ones include malnutrition and Gallstones (A survey result shows that Gallstones occur in 12% to 25% of people rapidly losing weight within months)
Marketers make false claims that their products without even testing whether their products work or not. As FDA does not regulate over-the-counter weight loss products it’s easy for them to do so.
FDA has approved ACAI Fat Burn #3 can help ,but it takes regular average exercise and normal diets to get results.

5 simple steps to rapid weight loss

Set realistic goals

Set a realistic goal so that you can reach that within x amount of weeks. Never try to attain a weight loss plan that you are unable to achieve(You tried that last year too right !).

Simple Exercises

Start your day with simple exercise like stretching, aerobic exercise, walking and swimming or dancing. If you don’t know how to swim or dance take classes to learn it. You may feel ashamed to be fat and do things like that. Its ok let someone mock at you, taking that mocking to fuel your fat burning exercises.

Eat more Fibers

Eating more fiber food would take more time to digest and you won’t be feeling hungry like before (having several meals throughout the day).Try to limit up to 3 meals a day.

Drink Water

Drink plenty of water. Your body must be hydrated so that toxics can be removed from your body through urine and sweat. Drink at least 8-12 glass of water a day(Summer days).

Avoid Fried and Oily Foods

Everyone tells you to avoid that. Make up your mind, your weakness to such foods would spoil up the entire game plan. I know these are simple steps but most people ignore it and look for other quick fix to loose weight. If you follow my advice then rapid weight loss is easily achievable.

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