Just like other body parts, hair too requires continuous supply of vitamins for growth as well as maintenance. Vitamin deficiency results in dull, thin and easily breakable hair and in some cases dandruff too. Here is a list of some of these essential vitamins that you must include in your diet for healthy and shining hair.

Best 8 Essential Vitamins For Hair

Vitamin H

Also known as ‘hair vitamin’ and biotin, vitamin H produces keratin that is a constituent of hair as well as nails. Vitamin H improves cell growth as well as metabolism thereby boosting hair growth. This prevents the hair from getting fragile and brittle. Vitamin H also prevents premature graying of hair.

Vitamin H

Deficiency in vitamin H causes severe hair loss including loss of eyebrows and eyelashes. Some of the good sources of vitamin H are whole grains, rice, milk, egg yolks, yeast, liver, peanuts, avocado and raspberries. Recommended daily intake of vitamin H is 100mcg.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has excellent antioxidant properties that helps in production of sebum on scalp and hence keeps the hair hydrated. Antioxidants in vitamin A conditions and moisturizes the sebum on scalp. It also prevents free radicals to make the hair weak. Hence, vitamin A gives better texture to the hair and hence it feels light. It also thickens the curls. Deficiency in vitamin A causes the hair to break easily and dandruff.

Vitamin A for hair

Daily intake of vitamin A is essential to boost hair growth and get rid of dry hair. Red-colored, yellow-colored and orange-colored vegetables are great sources of vitamin A. These vegetables are sweet potatoes, carrot, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, apricots, peaches, grapefruits, lemon, meat, fish liver oil, cheese and eggs. Recommended daily intake of 5000IU and it should not exceed 25000IU, which might cause hair loss.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D reduces hair fall and prevents hair loss problems. It stimulates growth of healthy hair follicles. In addition, vitamin D boosts production of cells that form hair shaft and hence makes hair stronger from the roots. Vitamin D helps the body in absorbing calcium, which is very essential for growth of healthy follicles.

Vitamin D for hair

Some of the good sources of vitamin D are fish, eggs, mushroom, cod liver oil, beef, pork, salmon, cereal, and ricotta cheese. Recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 1000IU.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has antioxidant properties that help in formation of new blood vessels thereby increasing blood circulation to scalp. Improved blood circulation to scalp triggers growth of healthy hair follicles and boosts hair growth. By boosting immune system, vitamin E helps in rapid hair growth.

Vitamin E prevents split ends and frizz and makes the hair look much healthier. Some of the good sources of vitamin E are dark green vegetables, rice bran, whole grains, soybeans, dried beans, legumes, wheat germ oil, raw seeds, nuts, etc. Recommended daily intake of vitamin E is 400IU. However, people with high blood pressure should consult a doctor before starting vitamin E intake.

Vitamin B5

Also known as Pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 prevents loss of hair and premature graying of hair. Deficiency in vitamin B5 causes hair fall due to weakness in hair follicles.

Vitamin B5 for hair

Some good sources of vitamin B5 are egg yolks, whole grain cereals, organ meats, brewer’s yeast, legumes and peanuts.

Vitamin B6

Also known as pyridoxine, vitamin B6 prevents hair loss. It also creates melanin that gives texture and color to hair. Vitamin B6 restores shine on your hair. Some of the good sources of vitamin B6 are whole grain cereals, egg yolks, liver, yeast, cereals, organ meats, etc. Excessive intake of vitamin B6 can result in numbness in feet as well as hands. So, you should consult your doctor before starting with vitamin B6 intake.

Vitamin B9

Also known as folic acid, vitamin B9 helps in growth of cells and hence growth of hair. You can maintain the length of your hair as vitamin B9 promotes hair growth.

 Vitamin B9

Some of the good sources of vitamin B9 are legumes, poultry, eggs, seeds, liver, citrus fruits, cereals and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C

Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C has antioxidant properties that maintain health of hair. It helps in development of cells as well as tissues that are directly connected to hair growth. Daily intake of vitamin C not only prevents hair loss but also prevents dryness, brittleness and premature graying. Vitamin C deficiency results in hair structure weakening. Some of the good sources of vitamin C are lemon, lime, strawberries, melon, orange, cantaloupe, kiwi, black currant, cauliflower, cucumber, tomato, green peppers, etc. Recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 60mg.

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