You did it! After a few weeks of hard work and studying, you have finally earned your personal trainer certificate. You are passionate about fitness and are now an expert in it. It might seem like the obvious career choice. You are confident in your abilities and skills, and you are ready to change lives and get paid for it.
How can you get started with signing clients, creating content and building your network? How can you help people achieve their body goals and apply what you have learned?
Angels and Alphas! That’s what we’re here for today!
This is my introduction to personal training. I hope you will find this helpful and that you are able to make a decision about what to do next in order to begin your online career as a certified PT. Let’s start with the most important tip, which is probably the most important, for anyone who wants to get clients for their training services, grow their online audience and expand their network.
Personal Trainer Tip #1: Brand Yourself Online
It’s not a secret that online fitness coaches are thriving. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym training people. It’s not impossible to do so, but the Internet offers a huge opportunity for coaches just starting out in the industry. This is your chance to be recognized and spread awareness about what you do. Here’s the bottom line. Your branding is basically your online image. It’s the sum of all the thoughts and emotions people have about your company and your services.
Great branding coaches have clients who wait on their waiting lists to work for them. Coaches that aren’t paying attention to branding can struggle to gain traction. Your branding encompasses everything, from your website content to the Instagram bio. Your Facebook comments can be used to advertise online. This is how you can see it. Marketing yourself is about getting the word out about your services and you, while branding defines what that word means.
Are you a hardcore trainer who sweats, tears, and goes to great lengths, or a coach who emphasizes yoga, meditation, and diet? Are you able to help thousands of clients or just a few? It is essential that you have a basic idea of what branding you are looking to create before you enter the market. You risk being unable to define your brand and becoming a sham. This is not something you should know. Your branding should be considered long-term. As time goes by, you will need to grow your brand.
Personal Coach Tip #2: Specialize
Experts are a great way to connect with people. It’s a natural instinct. Since the first time you walked into a doctor’s office, you have known what a specialist looks and feels like. Specialists are like a beacon of authority and help people reach out to for advice. This is a branding issue, but it merits a different approach. It is your specialty that will determine the type of people who ask for your assistance. It is your “thing”, your secret sauce. If you are a powerlifting coach, and your niche is powerlifting, it is only natural that people will contact you to learn more about powerlifting. The same goes for wellness coaches, running coaches and fitness coaches.
Find your “thing” and become a specialist in it. Focusing on a problem will help you achieve greater success than trying to solve all of them. You can’t be everywhere if you aren’t there. Keep that in mind.
Personal Coach Tip #3: Promote Yourself Online
Personal trainers are service providers. You must offer your services in a way that transforms a problem into a product. These could include your coaching sessions, online programs, meal plans or anything else you expect to be paid for as a coach. Once you’ve formulated your offer, based on branding and specializations it’s time for marketing! Paid Advertising Advertising online has never been easier. You can now show your offer to thousands of people for as little as a few dollars. It’s not easy to create advertising that is persuasive and useful for your prospects. It’s difficult to create advertising that is persuasive and valuable for your prospects. You have full freedom to communicate your message on any channel, provided you follow the ad guidelines.
Get Free Content
You don’t have to worry if you don’t like paid advertising or don’t know how to manage ads. However, every piece of content you post has multiple purposes. It puts you in the position of an author and positions you as an authority in your area. It allows you to freely voice your opinions on specific topics within the industry. There are so many content options, especially when it comes down to fitness. You should choose at least one social platform (Facebook or Instagram, YouTube, etc.). You can use the platform to share information about your fitness, including videos, tips, comments, and engagement with “colleagues”. You’re helping people and getting the word out about your services.
Get a Free Assessment
Free assessments are a great way to provide value and land clients. You don’t need to create extra content or spend money on advertising to do this. If you don’t have much experience working with clients, this is a great way for you to get some practice. Let people know you offer a free, no obligation, fitness assessment. Then, take them through it. You can also frame this as a consultation, or even a private coaching session. It takes less than 30 minutes to give people results. You will find out their problem and then provide a step-by–step solution. This is a great way for people to get to know you and your work style, while also delivering real results quickly.
Tip #4: Have a Perfect Web Site!
Your website is your temple. It’s the central social hub for all your online channels. It is the first place people visit to find out more about you. If they are interested in solid information, even if you’re on Instagram or Facebook, they will go to your website. It is a great investment in your online marketing and branding. Poorly designed websites will make you look lazy. A well-designed website will provide all the information that people need to make a decision about whether or not they want to work for you. Your website can be used to list all your services. You can also share your message, vision, mission and other useful information.